3 Ways to Identify Professional Mould Remediation Services

All homeowners dread mould growth. Unfortunately, mould is common in Australian homes and often goes unnoticed. Therefore, when you notice or suspect mould growth in your home, the most proactive thing you can do is call remediation services immediately. The service providers know how to inspect, remove, and prevent future mould infestations. Notably, the market is awash with mould remediation companies, but it is critical to hire professional and experienced services. This article highlights aspects that differentiate professionals from suspicious service providers.

Performs Strategic Mould Testing

Testing is a critical part of the mould remediation process. However, a professional mould remediation company must be strategic about the testing. If you can see mould on your walls, ceiling, or basement, there is usually no need to test it. The reason is that all types of mould are bad for your property, and testing does not change anything. Moreover, testing costs money. Therefore, a professional service provider will not push for unnecessary testing if mould is visible to the naked eye.  The only time mould testing is mandatory is during a property purchase.

Seals Off Affected Spaces

Once mould remediation staff have established the presence of mould in various spaces in your home, it is time to remove it. However, mould spores are very light and readily disperse and settle on different surfaces when disturbed. As such, professional service providers must first seal off a work area to contain mould spores before remediation work commences. It means that you must be wary of a service provider who does not seal off affected spaces. Even if the affected area is tiny, sealing it off goes a long way in preventing mould from attacking other surfaces. Most importantly, sealing off affected spaces prevents recurrent mould growth.

Conducts Post-Remediation Air Testing

While pre-remediation testing is not mandatory, post-remediation testing is necessary. Even if a mould removal expert sealed off a work area properly and discarded the plastic sheeting used, they must test the air for the presence of mould spores. Post-remediation testing ensures that the air in a home is free of mould spores. In most cases, post-remediation air testing is conducted a few weeks later. If the service provider you hire does not give you notice or schedule for post-remediation testing, call them immediately and determine why.  

If you have mould, call mould removal companies in your area to find the right option for your home.
